Civil Ceremonies

We offer bespoke civil ceremonies, designing the occasion that best reflects you, your relationship and your love for each other.

Civil partnerships are an option for couples who don't want to get married but who still want to make their love and commitment official. All couples have the right to a civil partnership, a legal commitment which offers the same benefits, rights and responsibilities as marriage.

The civil partnership needs to be registered by a registrar at the Registry office or at a licenced venue. You'll sign a declaration and say contractual words in front of two witness, you are then legally 'civil partners' (for further details click here for the City Council’s wedding page)

 At 'Prodigal Ceremonies' we create and design bespoke ceremonies that allow you to celebrate your partnership in a way that best reflects your ideas, values and beliefs. You can hold your celebration before or after the legalities take place, there are no legal restrictions on venue, no set words and no rules to follow. We offer to create a bespoke ceremony, using the words you want to say and then conduct the ceremony as part of your day so that you can celebrate as you wish.