About Us

On November 16th 2018 Sid stood in front of twelve people in the lounge of a manor on the coast of Devon. During a three day conference for entrepreneurs he attempted to express coherently his heart for the new ideas that were forming in his mind. He delivered a passionate pitch in which he talked about a concept that he and Deb had named Prodigal (it's a video on our YouTube channel if you ever want to see it!). The journey from there has been, and will continue to be an adventure.

Sid and Deb have lived in the Orton’s for almost ten years but over the last five or so we have increasingly worked across the whole of Peterborough as well as south Lincolnshire and north Cambridgeshire. Back in 2018 we set up a company now called Prodigal Connect with the intention of creating and delivering ceremonies. Sid was at a point in his career where he was curious about what else he might give his time to and Deb was also trying to figure out what she might do as their youngest child had just started playgroup and she had a little more “free time”.

Now at this point we probably should tell you a bit about our family as its fundamental to who we are and how we’ve structured our life. We have 7 children, with twelve years between the oldest and the youngest so life has been somewhat full for a few years now and they all still live at home. It’s safe to say we’re passionate about family and community.

When our youngest started school we still wanted to do something that fitted around the children but also allowed us to express our creativity and passions in new ways. So Prodigal was set up! But, then, a few months after we began, Covid hit and for obvious reasons funerals dominated the ceremony scene and like many we juggled the realities of work and home educating our children until restrictions lifted. As that ‘new normality’ set in, weddings started to make a comeback and in response, in 2021, we rebranded our weddings  - creating I Do With You®.

And so it appears to be true, that words really do create new worlds. The concept that we have nurtured and grown through its early months and years has gathered a new energy and so now the story continues. We want to continue to be a company that is prodigal by name and prodigal by nature; a movement energised by the extravagant generosity of creation. In response we desire to be an extravagantly reckless people who create spaces to honour and celebrate life in all its fullness, who create places to stand with each other through the good and the bad and, in the midst of it all, who acknowledge the gift that it is to be alive.

Prodigal continues to evolve and we remain passionate about inspiring people to ask big questions, to go beyond their immediate understanding of self and search for something deeper. We invite others to join us as, we ourselves, seek meaning, direction and purpose so that together we can make a difference for good in our world.