Grief Aware

At Prodigal Connect we recognise that the emotions and needs surrounding bereavement are unique for everyone. We aim to provide the support you need, for as long as you need it. From planning and conducting a ceremony, to providing a listening ear or more focused coaching, we offer to be by your side to support you as navigate your grief.

Who are we?

Deb has been supporting bereaved individuals and families for a number of years through Life and Grief Coaching. She has just completed her MSc in Psychology of Mental Health and Well-being with her final thesis focused on the subject of bereavement and loss.

Sid has many years of experience in supporting bereaved families through his work as a Funeral Celebrant.

Click on the images below to find out how Prodigal Connect can support you

Useful links

When someone you love dies it can be hard to know where to start and what you have to do. The links below offer practical guidance; from registering a death to planning a funeral, to information about benefits and dealing with the deceased’s estate. There are also links to other agencies providing advice and support for you and your family, alongside what we at Prodigal offer.

UK Government Guidelines:

Peterborough Register Office:

Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals:


Sue Ryder – Thorpe Hall:

Child Bereavement UK:

Cruse Bereavement Care: